Bilingual education for enthusiastic children
School organisation during Covid19
During the Covid19 pandemic, the school daily life and organisation are modified according to the changes in the Department of Education requirements and standards.
Monday 8th March 2021: Back to School for ALL pupils.
Since the 8th March 2021 and according to the DfE requirements, our online learning provision is made available to all pupils who have to self-isolate/quarantine during term time.
- The school community (pupils and teaching staff) uses the school's safe and private online Gclassroom suite, to access learning plans posted daily by teachers and online video lessons are streamed on GMeet.
- Each night on each Gclassroom's stream, teachers upload the learning tasks for the day after.
- Parents 'help is welcomed to supervise pupils' work/ use/ access to digital resources and help email back proofs of their learning (worksheets/ activities...).

Guidance GClassroom and GMeet step by step.